Research Papers
Escaping the Losses from Trade: The Impact of Heterogeneity and Skill Acquisition
-with Axelle Ferriere and Ricardo Reyes-Heroles. November 2023: Draft - Slides
Self-fulfilling Debt Crises with Long-Stagnations
-with Joao Ayres, Juan Pablo Nicolini, and Pedro Teles. June 2024: Draft - accepted at Journal of Political Economy
Monetary Operating Procedures in the Fed Funds Market: Theory, Evidence, and Policy Analysis
-with Ricardo Lagos. September 2024 Draft - NBER working paper - revise and resubmit at Econometrica
Fiscal Management of Aggregate Demand: The Effectiveness of Labor Tax Credits
-with Axelle Ferriere. September 2024: Draft - revise and resubmit at IMF Economic Review
Research in Progress
Cross-Sectional Labor Dynamics After a Foreign Shock
-with Rosario Aldunate, Andres Blanco, Andres Fernandez, and Mario Giarda.
The Unemployment Accelerator
-with Andres Blanco. March 2017: Draft -- Slides
The Heterogeneous Effects of Government Spending: It's all About Taxes
-with Axelle Ferriere. March 2024: forthcoming at Review of Economic Studies --- link - Draft .
Sectoral Shocks, Reallocation, and Labor Market Policies
-with Joaquin Garcia-Cabo and Anna Lipinska. July 2023: forthcoming European Economic Review --- link - Draft - Working Paper
On the Optimal Design of Transfers and Income-Tax Progressivity
-with Axelle Ferriere, Philipp Grübener, and Oliko Vardishvili. June 2023: forthcoming JPE Macro --- link - Draft
Foreign Effects of Higher U.S. Interest Rates
-with Matteo Iacoviello. Journal of International Money and Finance, vol 95, pp. 232-250, pp. 232-250, July 2019 link -- Working Paper -- Slides
Sovereign Default: The Role of Expectations
-with Joao Ayres, Juan Pablo Nicolini, and Pedro Teles. Journal of Economic Theory, vol 175, pp. 803-812, 2018. link -- Working Paper -- Slides
The Argentine Economy After Two Centuries
-with Francisco Buera and Juan Pablo Nicolini. Latin American Journal of Economics 2011, Vol 48: 133-156. link